MEDAN INDONESIA (ISL News) - PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo through Subholding PT Pelindo Multi Terminal (SPMT) affirmed its commitment to supporting the smooth running of national logistics by continuing to provide port operational services 24 hours a day, seven days a week (24/7).
As a symbol of dedication to logistics efficiency, SPMT, which focuses on non-container terminal operational services, continues to provide optimal services at the turn of the year 2025. This is demonstrated by operational services on ships that dock even in the early hours of the turn of the year 2025. Some of the main locations for this service include Belawan and Dumai in Sumatra, Jamrud Nilam Mirah, Tanjung Intan, Tanjung Wangi in Java, Bagendang Bumiharjo, Balikpapan and Trisakti in Kalimantan, Lembar in NTB to Makassar in Sulawesi.
"24/7 port services are a strategic step to answer the increasingly dynamic market needs and support smooth logistics, both domestic and international," said Farid Chairmawan, VP of Corporate Communications of PT Pelindo Multi Terminal.
This 24/7 service covers various operational aspects, including ship docking services, loading and unloading of goods and boarding and disembarking of passengers, as well as administrative and information services that can be accessed by Service Users.
Pelindo, through the implementation of digital transformation such as PTOS-M (Pelindo Terminal Operating System Multipurpose) continues to support the government's vision in strengthening Indonesia's logistics infrastructure and maritime connectivity.
"With digitalization and faster and more transparent services, it is hoped that the competitiveness of national ports can increase significantly, while also providing a real contribution to national economic growth," concluded Farid.
(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom SPMT/