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Real Business Solutions as a Bridge between the World of Education and Industry Collaboration of TPS and Ciputra University Surabaya

15/12/24, 07:29 WIB Last Updated 2024-12-15T00:30:00Z

 As a form of sustainability of the nation's generation strengthening program, PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (TPS) has again collaborated with educational institutions, this time Ciputra University, Surabaya, by organizing the Real Business Solutions program. Through this program, TPS and Ciputra University introduce the maritime and port industry to Postgraduate students. The program was opened with a sharing session by Wahyu Widodo, President Director, to 230 students on Friday (1/11/2024) at the Dian Auditorium of Ciputra University, Surabaya.

Included in the sharing session material is the management of ports in Indonesia by PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero), where TPS is one of the member groups that continues to lead the international market share of 83% in the Tanjung Perak area. " The flow of international containers at TPS in the third quarter of 2024 increased by 9.8% compared to the same period last year ," said Wahyu. Various strategies are carried out to ensure business sustainability, including encouraging innovations initiated to facilitate services at TPS (through Longstay Container Monitoring, Online Container Damage Report (CDR), ensuring the security of goods (through Quarantine Services, Fumigation Services and Salted Raw Skin Inspection), minimizing extortion, gratification, corruption (through Behandle Management), facilitating communication in limited work areas and strengthening occupational health and safety guarantees (through the Public Address System) and increasing service reliability and environmental preservation (through Inverter-Based Fuel Efficiency (EBBI), Electrification of Rubber Tyred Gantry (RTG) and Mangrove Cultivation (Nursery).

The corporate management strategies for sustainability above are shared with students participating in the Real Business Solutions (RBS) program as a trigger for the growth of innovative ideas and corporate management based on the challenges faced.

RBS program participants then compete to convey the best ideas for company management according to the theme determined by the organizer: Increasing market share, Managing and improving HR competencies, Green Logistics for Sustainable Business, Marketing Communications and TPS Branding .

As an additional reference in compiling ideas and business management ideas, on Tuesday (5/11) Ciputra University students immediately stepped on the gas by conducting mentoring with TPS Senior Leaders via zoom meeting . The first theme discussed was about Green Logistics with Sustainable Development Goals (SDG's). This very interesting theme was guided very well by the Vice President of Corporate Communication , Retno Utami, along with other mentors, namely SVP K3 Environment & Security, Jeanny Harjono and SVP Facilities, Suluh Tjahjono. One of the interesting questions from students was how to communicate about green ports to the public and whether there is a special channel. 

"The way to communicate is through the official TPS website at www.tps.co.id there is a special column regarding the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Program and the latest TPS News which reports a lot about Environmental Social Responsibility (TJSL) including the eco green concept ," Retno answered frankly. At the same time, the second theme on increasing market share was also carried out via zoom, mentored by SVP Commercial and Business Development, Bayu Setyadi and SVP Operational Planning and Business Processes, Didik Kurniawan.

On Tuesday morning (6/11) another zoom meeting was held with the theme of Marketing Communication where Bayu Setyadi was the mentor. Then continued on Tuesday afternoon with the theme of HR Competence mentored by SVP HR, Baiq Nurul Hikmawati and SVP Terminal Operations, Ilyas Darmawan. As the closing of the zoom mentoring on Tuesday afternoon presented the most interesting theme, namely Branding TPS post-merger.

As the mentor was the Corporate Secretary, Erika Palupi, accompanied by Retno Utami and the superintendents, namely Sri Purwatiningsih and Ardiansyah. A good question was again raised by one of the students, namely about TPS engagement with the public. "TPS always makes a press release at least 2 times a month to report on positive activities carried out by TPS. In addition, TPS also reports through social media such as Instagram on the @pttps_official account and Alhamdulillah this October the Engagement Rate reached 1.8%, the highest among other subsidiaries in the Pelindo Terminal Petikemas (SPTP) Subholding," said Erika.

After the mentoring process was carried out and students were given time to finalize their projects , on Friday (13/12), an assessment was carried out on the TOP 5 Projects , the results of filtering from 28 projects submitted by the students.

Taking place in the Mini Theater Room A 1540, 15th floor of Ciputra University, the Jury consisting of TPS Senior Leaders conducted an assessment and finally agreed to decide that the 3 best went to group 28 with the presentation title "Enhancing Operational Efficiency through Automation & Robotics ", group 19 with the title "Opening New Horizons in the East Nusantara" and group 3 with the title " Developing New Revenue Strategy PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya (TPS)".

"Thank you to PT Terminal Petikemas Surabaya for the collaboration in the RBS project. We gained a lot of insights while preparing the proposal containing the ideas and concepts that we are presenting today ," said one of the Ciputra University students whose group was selected as the best project .

Collaborating with Ciputra University as a research and laboratory location truly complements the world of education and industry, especially to harmonize new ideas and concepts that are greatly needed by the industry.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom TPS Surabaya/email: islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Real Business Solutions as a Bridge between the World of Education and Industry Collaboration of TPS and Ciputra University Surabaya


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