BANDAR LAMPUNG (ISL News) - In the framework of the peak of the commemoration of the 79th PGRI and HGN Anniversary in 2024 with the theme "Great Teachers, Strong Indonesia", the Bandar Lampung city government through the Education and Culture Office held a series of activities which took place at the Balai Krakatau, Bandar Lampung City.
The event was attended by the Mayor of Bandar Lampung Hj. Eva Dwiana, SE, M.Si. Together with related stakeholders, namely Dandim 0410, Kapolresta Bandar Lampung and Forkopimda of Bandar Lampung City, and also the inauguration of the Chairperson and management of PGRI Bandar Lampung City Hj. Eka Afriana, S.Pd. which was carried out by the Chairperson of PGRI Lampung Province Drs. SULPAKAR, MM.
In this activity, the Bandar Lampung City Government expressed its appreciation to the Forkopimda and related stakeholders for their active participation and concern for the education sector, especially in Bandar Lampung City.
Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang as one of the BUMN companies located in Bandar Lampung City received appreciation for its contribution, role and participation in advancing education in Bandar Lampung City through programs distributed by Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang, this award was given directly by the elected Chairperson of PGRI Bandar Lampung City Hj. Eka Afriana, S.Pd. to the Management of Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang.
Happy PGRI Anniversary
On a separate occasion, General Manager of Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang Imam Rahmiyadi said, "Happy 79th birthday to the unsung heroes, teachers have a role in educating students so that they have intelligence, skills, and character as well as noble morals, determining the quality of human resources, the generation of the nation who continues the struggle and is responsible for advancing the nation and state is a noble responsibility carried out by teachers, without teachers it is impossible to become a great nation.
"So for us it is important to give attention and appreciation to educators through the programs that we have done in our efforts to advance education in Lampung Province and Bandar Lampung in particular, he said. We also thank the Bandar Lampung City Government for the appreciation given to us, hopefully this synergy will continue to be established between us (Pelindo) and the Bandar Lampung City Government in various aspects, so that this collaboration will have a positive impact that can be felt by the entire Bandar Lampung Community. He concluded, "said Imam Rahmiyadi.
(ISL News Editorial Team/Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang Public Relations/email: