BANDAR LAMPUNG (ISL News) - Located in the VIP room of Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang, General Manager Imam Rahmiyadi accompanied by the leaders of Pelindo Group Panjang subsidiaries held a joint discussion related to port services in terms of facilities, services and other business developments with the Joint Association of Port of Panjang-Lampung (GASPOL) consisting of the INSA Association, APBMI, ALFI/ILFA, GPEI and GINSI Lampung Province.
The chairman of GASPOL who is also the chairman of BPD Ginsi Lampung Yusuf Kohar expressed his appreciation for the operational services of Pelindo Panjang which are increasingly better and free from Illegal Levies (Pungli). The same thing was also conveyed by a member of GASPOL who is also the chairman of DPC INSA Lampung H. Yusirwan stated that the Ship Service at Pelindo Panjang has been much better, Yusirwan hopes that in the future Pelindo can increase the productivity of container activities by rejuvenating loading and unloading equipment on the land side.
Another member, the Chairman of the Lampung APBMI DPW, H. Gaganden, also expressed his commitment to continue to synergize with Pelindo to improve the smoothness of loading and unloading activities at Panjang Port, while another member who is also the Chairman of the Lampung ALFI/ILFA DPW, H. Zamzani Yasin, appreciated the logistics activities at Pelindo Panjang which have improved and are free from extortion.
Imam Rahmiyadi, General Manager of Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang expressed his gratitude for the input and appreciation for Pelindo's services to improve in the future and hopes for the support of relevant stakeholders to work together to maintain a more productive and clean port.
"The port is an ecosystem that plays an important role in the economy of a region and many parties are involved and have an interest in activities at the port," said GM Imam Rahmiyadi.
It is said that Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang as the Port Operator always coordinates and synergizes with the Port Regulator, namely KSOP Class 1 Panjang and other stakeholders in implementing and running Port operations in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.
"We also always collaborate with the Maritime association in improving services to service users so that Pelindo Panjang's operational services are created that are conducive, safe and free from extortion. Currently, as the Port operator, we continue to innovate in terms of digital-based services, by implementing and implementing every Board of Directors' regulation into the system, we are committed to eradicating extortion by making it easier for service users to request port services through various available applications to minimize direct face-to-face meetings and all data is stored in a valid system. This is one of our commitments in supporting the government's program to eradicate extortion as regulated in Law Number 22 of 2001 concerning the eradication of criminal acts of corruption and Presidential Regulation of the Republic of Indonesia Number 87 of 2016 in an effort to eradicate extortion and the ongoing implementation of the Stranas PK program at the Port," explained Imam Rahmiyadi.
In addition, Pelindo Group Panjang is committed to continuously improving the performance of the Port with Stakeholders and maintaining integrity in service, anything bad at Pelindo Panjang can be directly reported to the General Manager or through the Pelindo Whistle Blowing System (WBS) channel, the afternoon “Ngopi Geh” meeting was continued with a friendly session.
(ISL News Editorial Team/Pelindo Regional 2 Panjang Public Relations/email: islnewstv@gmail.com).