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Prima Multi Terminal or PMT Holds DONOR DARAH with the theme; “Save the Soul, Keep the Body Healthy”

01/07/24, 09:44 WIB Last Updated 2024-07-01T02:46:44Z


 – Not long ago, on June 14, 2024, in order to commemorate world blood donors, PMT held a blood donation with the theme "Save Souls, Make Bodies Healthy" at PMT Terminal 1 Belawan (25/06/2024).

This activity was attended by employees at both Terminal 1 Belawan and Terminal 2 Kuala Tanjung. This blood donation activity is supported by the PT PMT Employee Wives Association (PIP) and the PT PMT Indonesian Port Workers Union (SPPI).

From 135 donors, 95 donors were collected who successfully donated their blood. They are donors who meet the requirements of PMI.

"The blood donation held by PMT today was quite special, because it was attended by 3 organizations participating in the event. "We are all collaborating to commemorate World Blood Donor Day 2024. We hope that we will all get good blessings for ourselves and for our company," said Ehay, President Director of PT PMT.

(ISL News Editorial Team/email: islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Prima Multi Terminal or PMT Holds DONOR DARAH with the theme; “Save the Soul, Keep the Body Healthy”


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