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IPC TPK Shares SYMPATHY on 11th Anniversary Through Donor Darah

17/07/24, 08:42 WIB Last Updated 2024-07-17T01:42:39Z

 IPC Terminal Petikemas/IPC TPK has again helped the Jakarta Red Cross UTD in overcoming the dwindling blood stock by organizing the IPC TPK TJSL Donor Darah Program at the Indonesian Maritime Museum Hall, Tanjung Priok Port, North Jakarta. Previously, the blood donation activity was held by IPC TPK at the end of February which was attended by 115 participants and managed to collect 100 blood bags.

“Blood donation (Donor Darah) is a true social action. It takes sympathy and generosity to give something that is part of us to others who are in great need. On the momentum of the 11th IPC TPK Anniversary, we want to foster a sense of caring for others through blood donation,” said Guna Mulyana, President Director of IPC TPK.

This is the second time that IPC TPK has held the TJSL Blood Donor Program in 2024. IPC TPK pays special attention to the social action of blood donation by consistently holding this activity for the past 5 years.

The enthusiasm of the participants of the IPC TPK blood donation activity was very high. More than 120 participants consisting of Pelindo Group workers, cleaning staff and security personnel of Tanjung Priok Port and several participants from other institutions attended to register for this activity and managed to collect 90 blood bags in 3 hours.

"This is my first blood donation. Alhamdulillah IPC TPK held this activity in the Port area so I can donate blood while working. Previously I tried 5 times to donate but didn't pass. Hopefully it will be beneficial for those in need," said Warni, a Port cleaner.

Quoting dr. Sibrohmalisi, MARS, Acting Chairman of PMI DKI Jakarta as reported in Kompas.com, DKI Jakarta's blood needs are 1,000-1,200 blood bags. However, the blood stock data of PMI DKI Jakarta as of Tuesday (16/07) left 395 bags. Thus, in order to meet the daily blood stock needs, PMI schedules several blood donation activities in one day including in offices and agencies in the capital city.

"The enthusiasm of the donors today greatly exceeded our expectations. The number of blood bags that have been prepared has also been fulfilled. We hope that this activity will have a good impact on the community who need blood stock and make donors healthier because they have donated blood," concluded Guna.

(ISL News Editorial Team/Corsec IPC TPK/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • IPC TPK Shares SYMPATHY on 11th Anniversary Through Donor Darah


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