JAKARTA TANJUNG PRIOK (ISL News) – As part of a series of events to commemorate its 11th Anniversary, for the first time IPC Container Terminal/IPC TPK collaborated with DPC SPPI IPC TPK to hold a Safety Riding Workshop targeting 155 participants consisting of workers, partners and service users who ride two-wheeled vehicles in the Tanjung Priok Port area (10/7/2024).
The workshop involving the Tanjung Priok Port Police is a form of driving safety campaign aimed at building awareness of driving safety and reducing the number of traffic accidents both within the Port and in the area around the Port.
"We express our appreciation to the ranks of the Tanjung Priok Port Police who have supported our efforts to promote safe driving around the Port. It is undeniable that the Port is closely related to large vehicle activities that require caution from drivers around it," said Ahmad Mimbar, Director of Operations at IPC TPK.
Taking place at the Operation Terminal 3 Building of Tanjung Priok Port, the Safety Riding Workshop was also filled with Motorcycle Modification Contest activities, Automotive Bazaar, UMKM Bazaar, and the presence of Mobile SIM and Mobile Samsat from the Tanjung Priok Port Police. This activity was opened by the Head of Traffic Police of Tanjung Priok Port Police AKP Martha Catur W, SH and the Director of Operations and Techniques of IPC TPK Ahmad Mimbar.
Safety Riding Workshop in collaboration with Satlantas Polres Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok which presents 3 speakers from Polres Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok including KBO Satlantas IPTU Parjan, Kanit Kamsel IPDA Suhendra and Banit 1 Bripka Mahendra as speakers. The implementation of this event is an effort by IPC TPK to continue to encourage synergy and collaboration with Polres Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok in improving security and safety in the Tanjung Priok Port area.
"The initiative from IPC TPK is very good in helping us campaign for Safety Riding. Of course, we can all be pioneers of traffic safety not only at the Port, but also wherever we are," concluded Head of Traffic Police of Tanjung Priok Port Police, AKP Martha Catur W, SH.
(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom IPC TPK/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).