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KM Umsini incident caught fire, Pelindo ensures Makassar Port remains operational and safe

10/06/24, 08:40 WIB Last Updated 2024-06-10T01:41:08Z

 – PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Regional 4 stated that a fire incident occurred on KM Umsini early Sunday, June 9 2024, which arrived at Makassar Harbor at 01.30 WITA from Baubau and would continue its voyage to Tanjung Perak Harbor, Surabaya, does not disrupt operations at the Port of Makassar.

Abdul Azis, Executive Director 4 Pelindo Regional 4 said that his party also helped handle the fire incident that hit KM Umsini on Sunday (9/6) at 05.45 WITA.

"We have prepared a waiting room at the Anging Mammiri Passenger Terminal which can accommodate approximately 3,000 passengers," he said.

"Thank God, all passengers on board the ship have managed to disembark safely and now all prospective passengers are at the passenger terminal. The capacity of the passenger terminal at Makassar Port is very ready with a total capacity of approximately 3,000 people. And currently there are around 1,500 people passenger."

Abdul Azis added that, in principle, Pelindo continues to strive to provide a sense of comfort, order and safety to passengers who will continue their journey to Surabaya and Jakarta.

Pelindo as the manager of the Makassar Port passenger terminal will guarantee cleanliness and availability of passengers' needs, such as space for breastfeeding mothers, prayer rooms, clean toilets, and air conditioning or air conditioning, to provide a sense of comfort to passengers.

"Hopefully this can be handled well so that even though their departure is delayed, they can still arrive at their destination safely," said Abdul Azis.

General Manager of Pelindo Regional 4 Makassar, Iwan Sjarifuddin, added that the KM Umsini fire incident that occurred this morning also did not disrupt ship entry and exit activities at Makassar Port.

"Currently, information from Pelni, there are approximately 400 passengers who will go to Surabaya and the remaining around 1,000 people are still waiting because they will continue to Jakarta and to Kijang. Later we will accommodate them here [passenger terminal]. Until now, thank God "The passenger terminal at Makassar Port is still safe. There will definitely be consequences [from this incident], but we are trying to keep it to a minimum," concluded Iwan.

(Editor of ISL News/Pelindo Regional 4 Makassar Public Relations).

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  • KM Umsini incident caught fire, Pelindo ensures Makassar Port remains operational and safe


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