PADANG (ISL News) - IPC Terminal Container/IPC TPK held Entrepreneurship Training for wives of Stevedoring Workers (TKBM), wives of port cleaning workers and women of the community around Teluk Bayur Port. The entrepreneurship training carried out at the Hokky Cooking Course , West Padang, Padang City is an IPC TPK Social and Environmental Responsibility Program in order to encourage improvements in the welfare of TKBM, cleaning workers and ring 1 communities around Teluk Bayur Harbor as well as growing new MSMEs in Padang City.
Guna Mulyana, Main Director of IPC Terminal Container said that IPC TPK is trying to encourage the improvement of the welfare of Ring 1 residents around the port in all work areas by increasing capabilities through cooking training. This time, 20 housewives were given cake-making skills so they could start business opportunities from home and increase income for their families.
Padang City is the 3rd place where the TJSL IPC TPK Entrepreneurship Training Program will be implemented after previously being held in 2022 in the IPC TPK Tanjung Priok area, Jakarta and in 2023 in the IPC TPK Panjang area, Lampung. This program is in line with one of the 13 Pelindo Group Strategic TJSL Programs established by PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) Holding in the field of Economics and MSEs, namely the MSEs Empowerment – Maritimepreneur program .
This program is a form of the company's commitment to contribute to achieving SDGs 4.3.1. namely the level of participation of adolescents and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the last 12 months, according to gender.
The implementation of Entrepreneurship Training involves training institutions that have experience in the culinary field in the city of Padang Hokky Cooking Course to provide training in making cakes that are in great demand by the public, such as lapis Surabaya, baked brownies and roll cakes. It's not just about skills, participants are also provided with training in the form of packaging presentation, material selection and price determination.
Participants were very enthusiastic about taking part in entrepreneurship training with the theme Opening Business Opportunities from Home. Suci, one of the participants, said that she was very happy to be able to take part in this activity because her knowledge increased, her experience increased and she also made new friends. We were not only taught how to make cakes, but also how to package them attractively so they could be sold and increase income.
"It is hoped that after attending this training, it will provide new business opportunities for the participants and can grow micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) around the IPC TPK work area," concluded Guna.
(Editorial ISL News/Corcom IPC TPK/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).