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PT Pelindo (Persero) Refreshes Management in Four Subholdings

04/03/24, 16:49 WIB Last Updated 2024-03-04T09:50:12Z

 PT Pelabuhan Indonesia or Pelindo has officially changed the composition of the Board of Commissioners and Directors for four Subholdings determined at the General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) on Friday, March 1 2024, which is also the effective date for the term of office of the management . 

"In accordance with the direction of the Minister of BUMN, we are making changes to the Pelindo Subholding management. We carried out this change process in accordance with applicable corporate governance. "I represent the Main Director and the Board of Directors of Pelindo to express my highest gratitude and appreciation to the management of Pelindo Subholding who have worked previously," said Director of Human Resources and General Affairs of Pelindo, Ihsanuddin Usman. 

The changes to the ranks of the Board of Commissioners and Directors at the four Pelindo Subholdings were carried out as a realization of the direction of the Ministry of BUMN to carry out refreshments in an effort to accelerate the achievement of company targets and provide the best service to stakeholders so that the Pelindo Group can carry out the mandate given after the merger. 


The following are the newest ranks of the Subholding Board of Commissioners (new officials are marked with an asterisk):


Board of Commissioners Subholding PT Pelindo Multi Terminal

1. Darwanto: President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner

2. Arman Depari: Commissioner

3. Ahmad Perwira Mulia Tarigan: Commissioner

4. Thanon Aria Dewangga: Commissioner

5. Herbet Timbo Parluhutan Siahaan: Independent Commissioner

6. Nicodemus Sitanggang* : Commissioner


Board of Commissioners Subholding PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik

1. Fachry Ali: Main Commissioner

2. Andre Febrinal: Commissioner

3. Yukki Nugrahawan Hanafi* : Commissioner

4. Abdulhamid Dipopramono: Independent Commissioner

5. Sahat Manaor Panggabean* : Independent Commissioner


The composition of the Board of Commissioners of Subholding PT Pelindo Terminal Peti Kemas and Subholding PT Pelindo Jasa Maritim remains as before, namely:


Board of Commissioners Subholding PT Pelindo Terminal Peti Kemas

1. Moermahadi Soerja Djanegara: President Commissioner and Independent Commissioner

2. Bahaduri Wijayanta Bekti Mukarta: Commissioner

3. Ronald Mujur: Commissioner

4. Montty Girianna: Commissioner

5. Nurrachman: Independent Commissioner

6. Antoni Arif Priadi: Commissioner

7. Yoke Candra Katon: Independent Commissioner


Board of Commissioners Subholding PT Pelindo Jasa Maritim

1. Otto Ardianto : Main Commissioner

2. Achmad Idrus : Commissioner

3. Eris Herryanto: Independent Commissioner

4. Neil Iskandar Daulay : Commissioner

5. Muhammad Imam Aziz: Commissioner


Meanwhile, the newest ranks of the Subholding Board of Directors are as follows:


Directors of PT Pelindo Multi Terminal Subholding

1. Ary Henryanto* : Main Director

2. Rizki Kurniawan: Director of Strategy and Commercial

3. Arif Rusman Yulianto: Director of Operations

4. Yarham Harid*: Direktur Technik

5. Edi Priyanto: HR Director

6. Yoni Setiawan: Director of Finance and Risk Management


Directors of PT Pelindo Solusi Logistik Subholding

1. Joko Noerhudha: Main Director

2. Retno Soelistianti: Director of Strategy & Business Development

3. Ruri Indrasari Rachmaputri* : Commercial & Technical Director

4. Herman Susilo: Director of Finance, HR and Risk Management


Directors of PT Pelindo Terminal Petikemas Subholding

1. M. Adji : Main Director

2. Rima Novianti: Director of Strategy and Commercial

3. Muarip: Director of Operations

4. Umar* : Technical Director

5. Ady Sutrisno: Director of Human Resources

6. Endot Endrardono: Director of Finance and Risk Management


Directors of Subholding PT Pelindo Jasa Maritim

1. Arief Prabowo* : Main Director

2. Yossianis Marciano* : Strategy and Commercial Director

3. Edward Danner Pardamean Napitupulu* : Director of Operations and Engineering

4. Choirul Anwar: Director of Finance and Risk Management

5. Rachmat Prayogi: Director of HR and General Affairs


"We hope that the presence of new management at the Subholding will further strengthen the Subholding's position to carry out the duties as business owner that Pelindo has given to each Subholding. The business refining process can be accelerated, the standardization process continues, business expansion and cooperation are increased so that company targets are achieved. "We hope that the new management at Subholding can carry it out well," concluded Ihsanuddin Usman.

(Editor of ISL News/Corsec Pelindo Pusat/email: islnewstv@gmail.com ).


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  • PT Pelindo (Persero) Refreshes Management in Four Subholdings


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