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Koja Container Terminal or TPK Koja Returns to Discuss Hub Port by presenting resource persons from Meratus Line

20/02/24, 08:48 WIB Last Updated 2024-02-20T01:49:46Z

 – The national port sector's ideals of realizing a Hub Port or Collection Port came to the fore again at the TPK Koja Media Gathering event with the Indonesian Maritime Journalists Forum (FORWAMI) last Monday, 19 February 2024, taking place at PMLI Bogor.

On this occasion, the management of TPK Koja, led by Indra Hidayat Sani as General Manager of TPK Koja and his staff, presented Budi Mulyono Rahman as Chief Trade Officer or CTO of Meratus National Shipping Line.

According to Indra Hidayat Sani, with the revival of the national economy and new hopes for future global economic conditions, TPK Koja is optimistic that it will continue to develop its business and enterprises.

"There are 5 container terminals, especially at Tanjung Priok Port, starting from TPK Koja, JICT, IPC TPK, MAL, and NPCT One. "Well, for us, TPK Koja has an obsession regarding Hub Ports, as has been the dream of the national port sector since the 90s," said GM Indra Hidayat Sani, when opening the Media Gathering event.

At least, said GM Indra Hidayat Sani, a National Hub Port or what is called a National Hub Port, because for an International Hub Port it is certainly not an easy thing, considering that the port location must be supported by international shipping lines.

"This means that to realize the International Hub Port, we need the support of more international shipping who are willing to carry out cargo transshipment, especially at TPK Koja," said GM Indra Hidayat Sani.

A similar thing was expressed by Paulus Cahyandaru (who is usually called Yoyok) as Corporate Secretary of TPK Koja. When asked by the ISL News Editor , Yoyok emphasized that discussing the Hub Port issue was reportedly part of what was mandated by the shareholders. "That for the development of the Container Terminal, especially TPK Koja, it must have a view to realizing a Hub Port, at least on a national or domestic scale, to become a National Hub Port," said Secretary Yoyok.


International Terminal  Transhipment

In his presentation, Meratus Line resource person, Budi Mulyono Rahman, said that to be in line with the ideals of the Hub Port, TPK Koja in particular could be carried out through developing domestic port connectivity (National Logistics Hub Port-ed).

"Regarding this (National Hub Port-Red), TPK Koja can support domestic shipping lines to obtain an International Terminal Transshipment permit or what we call ITT, which is currently in the process of submitting it to the government, in this case Customs," said Budi Mulyono Rahman .

With an ITT permit, the ship only needs to berth once at Tanjung Priok Port, for example the ship berths or berthings at Terminal 009 Tanjung Priok, dropping off export cargo. "Then the Container Terminal, for example TPK Koja, can pick up the Cargo (Export Container) from T.009 by land (Head Truck—ed) and take it to the Container Yard Container Terminal for shipment or export," explained Budi Mulyono Rahman.

With this ITT permit, continued Budi Mulyono Rahman, it will save berthing costs at Tanjung Priok Port. "There is no double berthing, which means efficient berthing costs for the shipping line," said Budi Mulyono Rahman.

As reported, the ITT pattern has been implemented by TPK Koja, however, to optimize it, ITT permission is needed in the future.

(Editorial ISL News/emai:lislnewstv@gmail.com ).


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  • Koja Container Terminal or TPK Koja Returns to Discuss Hub Port by presenting resource persons from Meratus Line


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