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Why is Ship Classification so important? Here's the Answer for You

31/12/24, 10:04 WIB Last Updated 2024-12-31T03:04:55Z

 Ship classification is an obligation for Indonesian-flagged ship owners in accordance with the Decree of the Minister of Transportation which states that ships that must be classified.

Before a ship can be registered, it must meet technical requirements and regulations. This fulfillment is through a process of approving technical drawings which is then carried out by a survey in the field.

Ships that already have a classification are required to continue to carry out the required surveys to maintain their classification status.

Classification of ships is carried out on the basis that the ship is loaded, operated and maintained in the correct manner by a competent and qualified crew.

The ship owner is responsible for ensuring that the ship's maintenance is carried out in the correct manner until the next periodic survey as required.

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(ISL News Editorial Team/Corcom BKI (Persero)/email:islnewstv@gmail.com).

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  • Why is Ship Classification so important? Here's the Answer for You


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